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You have undergone a dermal filler treatment whereby Hyaluronic acis has been injected unde the skin. You will have some redness, swelling and bruising which will subside in the next 1-14 days. As advised, anti-histamines and a cold compress may help with reducing the swlling. Please bear in mind that swelling may be worse the morning after treatment. Arnicare tablets, cream or gel may be used to assist with the bruising. Immediately following treatment you may experience some tingling if local anaesthetic has been used. 

Dos and Donts:

Avoid touching the skin for 6 hours, this includes the application of make-up. Avoid UV and extreme heat exposure for 48 hours, this includes saunas, steam rooms, sunbeds, strenuous exercise (including swimming) and very hot baths/showers. Extreme heat may increase the discomfort and swelling. Avoid using ice packs, instead use a cool compress to assist with the swelling. Do not massage the areas that have been treated. If you are experiencing some lumps then please contact the practitioner to discuss this and she will advise accordingly. Do not undergo any facial massage or skin resurfacing treatments until the areas are completely settled. This can take up to 2 weeks. Drink plenty of water, this will bind to the hyaluronic acid and further enhance results and help maintain longevity of the filler.

If you have had your lips treated then you may find they feel a little 'stiff' following treatment. This feeling will wear off and the filler will soften. Ensure lips do not become dry and cracked. Trauma from the injections can trigger an underlying cold sore outbreak. If this occurs then please use the appropriate treatment, such as Acyclovir.

If you have had your cheeks treated then try and sleep on your back until the area has settled to avoid disruption to the filler. You may experience some aching in the cheek area post treatment and whilst the area settles. This can take up to 2 weeks. 

If you have had your nose treated, then please avoid wearing glasses for long periods of time, if feasible to do so, whilst the area settles.

When to seek urgent review:

Allergy or infection can occur, however it is uncommon. If you experience itchy bump or swelling near an injection site then please contact your practitioner immediately for a review. As discussed during consultation, impending necrosis is a risk factor associated with filler treatments. If you experience any of the following symptoms then please contact the practitioner immediately as this will need to be reviewed and treated to avoid long term scarring or further complications.

- A bruise that is tracking

- Pain in the area

- The area is cold to touch, where as other areas of your body are warm to touch

- A tindled (white/blue/grey) bruise has occurred

- Capillary refill is more than 2 seconds

If you have any general concerns regarding your treatment or how it is settling then please contact the clinic.

Aftercare Advice Number: 07961479915


Immediately following treatment you may have:


- Redness

which usually subsides within a few hours.

- Bruising which may take a few days to settle. Arnicare cream/gel can be applied to assist with bruising if required.

- A headache may occur following treatment. You can take over the counter medication for this. Avoid aspirin.

- Cold/Flu like symptoms may occur following treatment. Treat as you would normally for these symptoms.

Dos and Donts:

- Remain upright for 2 hours following treatment. This will help avoid increased blood flow to the areas treated which can have an affect on the longevity of the product.

- For the first hour following injections, move the injected areas to help the product reach the cells it needs in order to work.

- Avoid UV and extreme heat, including saunas, steam room, sunbeds, alcohol and strenuous activity for 48 hours post treatment. Extreme heat increases the blood flow which may cause the toxin to disperse and not last as long as intended.

- When cleansing the areas, avoid pressure and instead carry out gentle strokes. When washing the eyes, wash away from the eyes.

- Avoid facial massage, skin resurfacing treatments and semi-permanent make up for 2 weeks post procedure.

When will I see results?

- The initial effects will usually start to show in the first 3-5 days and will continue to improve for up to 3 weeks.

- A review will be arranged for 2-3 weeks post treatment.

- Anti-wrinkle injections usually last between 3-4 months, dependent on lifestyle and aftercare compliance.

- Fine lines that don't appear in the initial 3 weeks, may continue to soften over the coming months.

- This treatment can help to stop the development of new lines.

When to see urgent review:

These are all extremely uncommon, but would still require immediate review

- Painful or itchy lumps or swelling near injection site.

Anything affecting the eyes or the appearance of the eyes. For example dry eyes.

Aftercare Advice Number: 07961479915

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